president newlin: 7b, dba king of thai. extended hours premises permit. >> this is a restaurant downtown in the union square neighborhood. the permit would allow them to stay open past 2:00 a.m.. sfpd recommends the permit be approved. i believe the applicant is in agreement. in your file are letters of support and the tenants association coalition of san francisco. we have not received any communication of concern. >> good evening, i am representing captain john joseph garrity. i met with the applicant and her husband, did a walk-through of the business and after having some discussions with the applicant, we came to the agreement that we would recommend approval for them to stay open for one hour from 2 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. in the morning. they agreed after one year, we will look at their business and it looked like there were no issues or problems at that location, we would recommend approving it for an extended time. >> why? why only one hour? i am curious, why did you decide that? >> because that is an area that right now