it shows the amounts authorized and spent to date for all of our contracts as well as sbe and dbe percentages. i know many of you are interested in how we're doing, because so many of the packages have been set aside, of the $24 million spent so far, we have 45% sbe participation. through march 31, we awarded 36% of our contracts so far. the third report is our quarterly investment report, which shows interest earnings from our equity and will account with the city. interest rates continue to be rather low, so we continue to have a non-interest-bearing checking account, and in return, we see no fees on that account. fourth report is our inception to date. shows expenditures and revenues for the life of the program carrier also, on the financial side [inaudible] auditors will be coming in at the end of this month for interim field work. happy to answer any questions. >> [inaudible] >> yes, our artists are two- part. anywhere from may to june, they come in for about a week. they look at interim financial statements that we have prepared usually cut off at in the march 31 or april 30. that is wh