this puts a strain on dcma's own mission. a further concern is the need for contracting officers representatives, the co ours, for contract oversight. we believe the department should be examining the role, the reserve components my plate and providing continuity and professionalism the importance of contract administration cannot be overstated and would need a cadre of professionals to get the attention it deserves. i am pleased to see that your commission also sees the importance of this function. finally, i read with great interest your report and its 32 recommendations. clearly have taken on a very important topic that needs attention, and you are focused therefore can be of great value. you requested my feedback on your report so i offer the following thoughts. starting with the report titled and the the message it conveys. the main title rightly identifies risk as a considerable issue, but the subtitle is open to very significant misinterpretation. the statement about quote, correcting over reliance on contractors and c