asiina plane crash.the luus e ddterrmneethe ccuse... are working to piece tooetherr 3 3 investigators are trying tt figure out what led toothe deadly asiana airlines lane crash innssn francisco last experts about how investigattrs will use the evidence collecteedaa the wreck iteeto piece together what happened.. several korean invvstigators now looking into the asiana crash got their c's aviaaiin safety program... warehoose... where the twistedd &pwreckage oo planeecrashes serves as a usc cllasrrom or aviation accident has failed."instructors ook training."whht strikes you with thiisaircraft?" (reporter): "well, what firee ere and it doesn't look like anyone could hhve ssrrived it." you look overr (repooter): "wwll, i see twisttd metal.. t looks llkee some kind of signiiicant prruma happeneddtt that wing, crashed into sooething,,hit something, i on't kkow, a pole?""we teaah the discipline pf accident investigation, namely to observe the fact, to &pdocument the faat and then e the ffats take you by theehand aad lead you to the next ffct,