president, stooeesteel &corrorr obamcare reality please export as wbffóobamacareóbizóimpaatt[sso coming ddwn- max baucus, the chaarman of &precently assessed the state llcomotive is a good analogy for some bbuinnsses.[ntsnd stone steel ntsndnttnn in 15:42-15:55trr=:03starting in must provide hhallh care oy 50 - insurance or face ines of 2- [please layer in ccst figure] &pabaccs, a staffiig agency part-time workers cross the &ppo four million dollars a yyar on fines. it can no longer rely on the hhalth care offers...becauue t's not aaacuss a faamly owned nd operated commany, knowss whateverrii decides will come at a ttemendous coss to their p7:8 ""t will be aa signnficcnt increase and we ssstain it."trt=:05[layyr inn 995 percenn]increased costs ccold riie by as much as 9 ad a half perccet for sooe coopanies according to thh urban iisitute. thaatwill turn into the equivalenn of hhudreds offthousands of doolars or mmllions for some companiis. [frazao stannup] sot "a surreyybyymercerr,a human resource management company, found more thhn 60 percent f busiiess owners their costs. a full third of t