martin: the classical writers on democracy, hamilton and madison, alexis de tocqueville, one of his classic works was "la democracie en amerique," and john stuart mill, a political philosopher, they were all clear that when a community is divided between a majority and minority, and those who made up those groups were not likely to change, certainly not in the short to medium-term, that was not true democracy. now, clearly minority rule is not democracy, and indeed i quoted, from hamilton, the dangers of both majority rule and minority rule. but i think that coming to ireland, i do think that over the last century and a bit, there has been both in independent ireland and in northern ireland, you know, a too easy equation of majoritarianism with democracy. in other words, you know, the unionist community being a national minority, but concentrated in certain parts of the island, they simply have to fall into line. that would be still, i mean, the attitude of some people, especially associated with republican dissidents. the majority of people i think have moved on from that. on the other han