in eastern europe and russia and the ukraine and eu, part of developing a united front with dealingpean union and with the ukraine and russian aggression is the energy piece. they are so dependent right now on russia for the energy. look at the middle east and our andlvement in iraq afghanistan and our dependence still on oil for the middle east. that is a national security issue. we have a real chance to break the chains of energy from interests different from our own. we need to seize it. look at what is going on in my state of north dakota. unemployment,west and the fastest-growing state in the country. our economy is diversifying but, again, we are very strong in terms of energy production. this con -- in this country has the same opportunity and we need to seize it. >> that growth issue, your population is about three quarters of a million in north dakota. widger population exceed -- -- means more thatng, more schools, ands all the infrastructure all the things we have to do to maintain our quality of life. the challenge he we have right now -- the challenges we have right now is to have