dean graziosi is a multi-millionaire, new york times best selling author, and a world-renowned businessuperstar father of two. what's even more remarkable is dean grew up in a dysfunctional home, lived in a trailer park, and barely got out of high school. and tonight we're gonna discuss his hot new book millionaire success habits. plus, he'll share the exact little shifts that you can make immediately. implement them in your life to quickly position yourself to make more money and thrive from today's uncertain times. (intense music) dean, it's great having you here. according to the latest statistics, you own over $20 million in real estate, your companies and your brands have done hundreds of millions of dollars, you have nearly a million fans following you online, and you're married and seem to be a full time dad. how do you do all that? - well first off, thanks for having me here. it obviously didn't start there, you know. in fact, just a couple weeks ago i went upstate new york, this little town where i grew up, and i took my cellphone and i kinda went down memory lane. i went to th