wilson is added to the mix here episode. one is streaming. now they'll be a new one. every wednesday for the next 6 weeks. i hope you have a great weekend in chicago. >> and deanhards. okay. we've talked about how dean is a very hard great. gave the heights in the heights yeah, a plus a plus i would have given it a b plus. oh, yes. only because i do feel like i mean, it's absolutely beautifully made the eyes. you can see the colors. the dance number. lee pop it's totally. >> you know, keep your attention the entire time. yeah, but i also felt like every time i thought, oh, this is what the story's about. you know, there are certain things that happened throughout lease on this is where the story's going. but then another story pops up. it's it's so it's more, you know, more so a story of this neighborhood and the entire community, not necessarily. and there's not necessarily an arc there. i don't think. but i mean, i totally enjoyed it the entire time. i watched it or call with a few on a friday night there during for pride night. it was it was a really, really fun. captivating story for sure. yeah, i would have given it a b plus, plus. yeah. the reincarnation