i'd like to invite deana rocha, advisor to the mayor. we didn't get you on the agenda, but i'm so glad that you are here. >> thank you, commissioners. i just want to say, thank you, it's an honor to stand before you. many of you do so much amazing work and thank you for leading the charge about trying to create better data collection in our city. i want to quickly give you a context. mayor ed lee had a direction and vision. and i want to emphasize that our criminal justice forum, which is our public safety departments, chief and deputies have come together after the department of justice recommendations on a quarterly basis. one of the areas brought forth is that we have to look at best practices and adapt two major categories when it came to data collection. one, a separation of where we look at justice information to highlight the latino community and be able to understand through our justice department, all of our justice departments, how latinos are being impacted by a criminal justice system. equally so, there's middle eastern and n