law enforcement in some communicate yes have taken incompre rensible steps to deal with homeless deanagers. in minnesota teenagers have been taken to a bus stop, believing city. >> a solution is to put them in a truck stop. >> which is a venue where prostitution happens. >> why would they do that? >> it's indefensible, it's the response we find when there are no shelter beds, no appropriate streets. >> the resources - we'll send you to the truck stop hoping to. >> it's called greyhound therapy. many do this with adult homeless, using bus tickets to pass off the problem of the lack of shelter in their community to a larger city. >> the occasion we had, we talked about the homeless and homeless children in washington d.c., but then we looked to maine. suburban, world, we see high levels of homelessness among young people. >> we do, it's a national crisis. there are folks who are homeless. i have seen homeless people in afghanistan lunt community, in -- aff luent communities, in rural and poor areas, where folks live in poverty and on the brink of homelessness. there's problems there. >> jerr