. >> deandre jackson works the first shift. flint father leaves home before the sun comes up, so he can make it to the truck plant by 7:00 a.m. >> you spend more time here with the people here at work than you do at home sometimes. and i met my wife here. i was driving material to her area, and we began to have a conversation, and turn into a movie and a movie turned into a marriage, i guess. so yeah, it is a community here. it is like family. >> the plant depends on its family of 27 union employees to manufacture trucks around the clock. >> the guy down the line from me doesn't do his job, i can't do mine. and if i don't do mine, the next guy can't do his. >> plant employees develop add renewed sense of gratitude for their jobs after watching the shut down so many other plants across the state. the uncertainty about their future forced union workers and management to focus on collaboration, rather than confrontation. they say they put trust in each other. >> we are all engaged. not just general motors but the whole company. we