can you tell us who deanna walters is, who her abuser was?deanna walters is a woman from the mountains of north carolina from west jefferson. she was attempting to separate from her husband and he wound up kidnapping her and their daughter and putting them in an 18 wheeler. he had his cousin drive. as they left north carolina and drove all the way out to california and halfway back to oklahoma, robbie the dn and strangled her and kicked her and urinated in her face and peter with a mag light flashlight and almost killed her. -- when the truck was stopped in oklahoma, she was taken to a local hospital. >> explain how the police were alerted. >> it was only stopped because robbie christiana on the phone -- but dn on the phone. she put her on the phone with people he was paranoid she was having affairs with. and she wasn't doing that at all. because of her robotic approach of having these conversations, they became concerned that something was happening. they call the trucking company and rusty at unauthorized riders in the cap and the truck was