. >> kroft: he was the bad guy and robin dearden was one of his hostages. >> dearden: he was an amazinghad ever met. you were. >> kroft: it took a while for you to get together, right? >> dearden: oh, yeah. we ran into each other, like, eight months later. and we kissed for, like, a second too long. >> cranston: let me demonstrate. ( laughter ) when you greet a friend, this is the duration of the kiss that's acceptable. "hi, good to see you." "yeah." when you make a mistake and stay too long at the lips, this is how long it is. "hi, how are you? good to see you." ( laughter ) and that's what happened. it was like, "uh-oh, what was that? oh." >> dearden: it was like," whoops." >> kroft: the kiss sealed the deal and they were married in 1989. among the well-wishers were cranston's mother and father, keeping their distance from each other. >> look at mommy! >> kroft: bryan and robin have been married for 27 years now. they still live in the same house where they raised their daughter, and bryan still goes to work most every day. oh, this is where you're shooting the scene. >> cranston: thi