he knows in his conscience is a wrong to continue to protect a member for deauxville. he knows the members deserve better than that. i call on him and other members of the caucus to stand for the opposition and require an explanation. >> the member for deauxville has the floor. you had 3 seconds. >> i would like to indicate to parliament that i would be seeking to make a statement probably in excess of 10 minutes. >> member for deauxville, i have been as much indulgent as i can. if everybody wants to know it will take the will of the house carr. but i will allow the indulgence for the member for deauxville. >> on the next sitting week is when i intend to make a statement. there has been a comprehensive and long work report of 1100 pages which we did not have access to until late monday night. it is appropriate that i have time to go through that so i can make a comprehensive statement to parliament which is what i intend to do. this week is an important week in terms of it being budget we. it is a week where families around australia are looking at what this government