and as deb blum tells in her book, sort of a combination of bad laboratory science and sloppy detective work made poisoning the sort of perfect crime. you could almost get away with murder literally. and deb is going to talk about, as her book does, about the beginnings of how in the united states how a very brilliant, a very dedicated public servant and a brilliant toxicologist, the chief medical examiner of new york city and his partner, the toxicologist, developed what we know today as forensic science. deb was here, it was interesting she was here when the hardcover version came out back in 2010 and presented now the paperback is here, i'm happy to welcome her back to this stage. deb? >> well, i'd like to start, also, by thanking the tucson festival of books and saying what a privilege and pleasure it is to be on a panel with two such wonderful, fascinating authors. my book is set in the united states and, in fact, that ended up being one of the difficult quests i set for myself when i wanted to tell this story. i was interested in the fact that we take for granted living in a csi a