to think that the woman who is and deb hole hand, who one the native-american women. of haaland is now the chair the natural resources committee public lands subcommittee, that is a very big deal. and very big deal in the native-american community. so we are very proud of them. the beautiful diversity of them. 106 women in the congress, 91 of them democrats. thank you, stephanie. isn't that remarkable? 60% of our caucus, women, people of color, lgbtq. 60% of our caucus. we are thrilled. we wish the other side would have some diversity. but having said that, we say in our caucus, our diversity is our strength, our unity is our power . and that power is recognized, to get to your question by the president of the united states. he knows that we will act together, wherever our differences are on one thing or another when it comes to it, we build our consensus and we make our plan and go forward together. so this morning, we went to the ite house hopeful, hopeful that the president would participate in the conversation as to the previous conversation we had about our infrastructure.