while the debassio administration has committed to stopping the appeal, it has not been dropped yet, and we have obstructionists which are the police unions who are still legally challenging the floyd lawsuit. we're looking forward to the changes. it will require long-term consistent conversations and implementation, and i want people to understand that we're not going to solve this situation fast and we need to stay diligent against th the discriminatdiscriminatory pract. >> do they put the safety before the communities. >> it's a fair question, the right to live in a safety community. i think that mayor bloomberg's response was a little hyper boletic, you know, the fact that this has been is going to change the new york police department. they'll establish a monitor and implement and add to the police department, what is important right now is actually under mayor bloomberg while stop and frisk dramatically increased, it dramatically decreased towards the end of his team. so obviously the rate of using it exploded, and there are others ways to keep communities safe. what you don't