this is debbie caplan acting director of m.o.d.bout how long it takes to close out requests you have for repairs on average? >> no. on average, it's i think it's very site specific and each instance is going to take on its own kind of life depending on the cooperation of the property owner or if they're a local versus a remote property owner. so i don't have a percentage or like an average of how long it takes. i think in general, the notices that we sent to the utility companies for like replacing their vaults or water boxes in the right of way are addressed more quickly than the notices that we send to like the private property owners. i think that's going to be a product of the fact that the utility company's already set up to respond to those notices and they've already operationalized it where an absentee property owner or somebody like that, if they get the notice, they may not be familiar with it, they may not read it at first. so it doesn't necessarily get the process started or register as quickly as it does when we issue