we heard from one patient, debbie douglas, who thought about the suffering she had.son has not yet been sentenced but we do have a background on all of this. ian paterson was 59 years old. found guilty of 20 charges in total, relating to nine women and one man. dominic hughes reports. surgeon ian paterson. well—liked and trusted by patients facing the frightening prospect of breast cancer — but for some of them it was an entirely false diagnosis. one such patient is frances perks, who underwent a series of operations and a mastectomy, all of them unnecessary. how can somebody do that? and say things that he did, knowing that you didn't need these operations. how can anybody in their right mind, how can they do that to people? ijust find it unbelievable and how he's made us all suffer and people who have lost their lives. how could...? that's pure evil to me. pure evil. during the trial, the jury heard a succession of patients describe a pattern of behaviour. how ian paterson told them that they were at risk of cancer, had precancerous cells and needed to have lumps o