i'm debbie gould. i'm a home owner at bay crest. to show you how important this is to all of us, my friends and residents were kind enough to let me go in front of them because i have to get to holy thursday service. at any rate, i'm in agreement with everybody else. we're not opposed to the building going up at 430 main. we especially encourage low-income housing, however, the air quality is extremely important to us. we live at the base of the bay bridge. we're already experiencing a lot of heavy congestion with idling cars during rush hour at any time of the day. sometimes into the evening. we're also dealing with toxins that are coming in off the bridge. and i don't think anybody's taken into consideration the fact that in addition to all the buildings that are surrounding 430 main, we're not even thinking about the people who are going to potentially be living at 4030 -- 430 main so they'll be inhaling the toxins. i'm a 65-year-old woman who is healthy. i'd like to remain healthy. everybody here wants to remain healthy or as he