debbie lawson usually works on several pieces simultaneously. almost all of the works are commissioned. she needs up to 3 fully identical carpets for one sculpture. i started by using real persian carpets, but they were usually seconds or damaged ones already, but i don't really want to cut up the artwork of somebody else. so i'm using copies all the time. now. in a 1st step, the artist creates a framework for the sculpture from chicken wire. she then fixes it with several layers of acrylic mix until the model becomes firm. finally, she adds carpet onto the model using hot adhesive, and then cuts the material into shape. i'm quite a quiet, shy, reserved person and that's sort of i think that's how i operate. i won't be camouflaged and disguised and disappearance background. i think that might have been one of the reasons behind making bad because the bad of the talking for me. i can hide in the background and enjoy her foot of the conversation that it's happening with people that are looking at in her sculptures sell for between 13024000 euros.