comedy follows inmates can drug lord, he's looking to start a new life is a woman, adrian brody, debbie moore, sebastian's done or among the witness correct. the characters journey is very reminiscent of my mother's in my ancestral journey of fleeing the horrors of war. i'm coming to this great country, you know, i owe so much to my mother and my grand parents for this sacrifice. while the northern chile scientists are searching for such and does it for me to write, that was film forwarding to us by space observatory in november. they provide valuable information about the building blocks of also the system. but finding it is proving to be something of a challenge as we see on human reports now or in the flow. these are desert of northern chile. this search is on for a treasure that's fallen from the sky. last month, a large media ride of approximately 4 kiddos was caught on camera as it into the atmosphere landing in the desert. the news attracted astronomers, geologists, and treasure hunters from the world over the name of knowing exactly when it fell is a major discovery because we can det