debbie prison, he calls himself a political prisoner and has been on hunger strike since being detained 2 weeks ago . early his lawyers say his health is deteriorating. he has a problem with a more meant his more wing, a little before we're. i ain't. this is, the situation is worsening every day. it will, but it will look as helmet with bogus. some of it came back to me the earlier this month. i me seconds really reappeared in georgia after 8 years in exile. i'm calling on a georgians to take to the streets and reject the current government. he's alleged to have taken a ferry from ukraine, hidden inside a truck carrying dairy products. eventually, he was arrested for convictions in absentia of abuses of power in office. the government says, such as v, these hunger strike is political theater. ahead of 2nd round marrow elections at the end of the month. i so suki like the circus, and show that we've seen going on these last few days of course serves only one purpose. it's the task of prisoner sarkis philly to raise the temperature in some way. his party noticed that in the 2nd round of e