be going into closed session to discuss the performance and the appraisal report of director debbie raphael. we do have a packed egg a, and is there any -- we do have a packed agenda, and is there any public comment on the beginning of the meeting? okay. hearing none, then next item, anthony? >> a the next item is item 3, approval of minutes of october 10, 2017, commission on the environment special meeting. the explanatory documents is the october 10, 2017, draft amendments. this i item is up for discussion. >> welcome, commissioner wan, who has now joined us. >> moved by commissioner wald. thank you. and second. >> commissioner stephenson? >> all in favor? >> an any discussion? >> and discussion and public comment. i will abstain, correct, because i wasn't here at the meeting. >> the only -- president, the only time the commissioner can abstain is if there is a conflict of interest. even if they were not at the meeting, the commissioners are pledged to vote for the minutes. >> okay. discussion? hearing none, all in favor? aye. motion passes. thank you. >> next item is four, general public