last night, i had a chance to press debbie wasserman schulz, the chair of the democratic national committeery issue. watch. he keeps saying ask debbie when life begins. when does she believe life begins. can you answer that question? >> the question that he was asked, and that he's trying to deflect from by pushing it on me is does he support exceptions to his oppositions -- >> i know i give you this point. i see the point. he has not been explicit on it. i'm wondering about you i have you tonight. >> from my perspective, from my party's perspective we do not support rolling back the protection that the constitutional right to make your own reproductive choices established in roe versus wade has given women. >> dana perino is co-host of the five right here on nfc and author of the new book and the good news is lessons and advice from the bright side. great to see you. >> thank you. >> and so you know rush was saying, and i heard you saying earlier on the five that that that was that was a significant moment. why? >> it's a change. so what rand paul basically did is say i am going to take yo