and by definition, lesbians don't go for polls. ( laughter ) folks, deblawzio, i believe-- and i mean this, de blawzio must be stopped. this mad man wants to raise taxes on thoal making more than half a million dollars a year, costing guys like me about $973. $973? i'll have to stop buying nigh yearly pair of gucci pyrotechnicon loafers. how will i know it's spring? even worse, beblasio tricked voters by running this heartwarming ad featuring his biracial family, a cynical strategy that bloomberg rightly called racist. yes, what is more racist than falling in love with a black woman and fatherrering a child just so you can claim you're against stop and frisk? ( laughter ) and-- and, folks, for the record, i would definitely frisk that kid. i mean, think about it. he could be hiding anything in that 'fro. did we learn nothing from the 19 70's harlem globetrotters. ladies and gentlemen, there's an even bigger biracial problem in this country-- barack obama. last night, our so-called commander in chief attacked our tuesday night lineup to talk about syria. we had to miss "america's got t