next i have adalene tony and and deborah ann white. i know lamont is unable to attend the date. matthew steen? jenny parrilla here? matthey, you are here? is jenny is not here, i know tony fatua [sounds like] let us know that he will not be here. and isaac langford. >> i will be withdrawing my application but i have some things application to lacd. [indiscernible] thank you very much. i hope to see you folks again. >> supervisor kim: thank you for coming here to let us know personally. ms. parrilla. >> i was welcome the first time. i'm sitting on the seat now. i work with the homeless. i visited the homeless shelters. i was home as myself. we truly need latin speakers to help out and to be open and understanding. the majority of the latin speakers out there, they come from their countries; they don't know how to read their own language. you are helping them reach their own language. and also interpret for them there are many homeless shelters that are in need of understanding why they are homeless. they understand the situation. when they have been there longer than expected, th