andame is deborah berger i've been a registered nurse for over 40 years and i'm president of national nurses united, the largest union of professional association of registered nurses in the country. as you all know, nurses are on the front lines of our health care system and at the same time, we are also scientists to understand well how infectious diseases spread, so we are uniquely positioned to recommend what we need to do at the ground level in our health care facilities to contain and stop the spread of covid-19. as union nurses, we have the freedom and protection to speak up on behalf of ourselves and our patients. protect theto health of our patients and the public, as well as our nurses and our colleagues. nurses are eager to take care of patients and make sure that our communities are safe, but we need the right staffing, equipment, supplies, communication, and training to do this safely. put simply, if we are not protected, our patients are at risk. this became clear at uc davis medical center in sacramento covid patient resulted in the quarantine of 124 hospital workers in