when we finally closed the deal with sony pictures in 2011, deborah chase, her producing partner, devonof the happiest times of her life. the presence of god was in the midst of this project. in her mind, it was ordained by god. in the history of her filmmaking, this movie inspired her to be devoted and dedicated. what she herself wanted to be as a mother, bobbi kristina, and nicholas, her godson. her work ethics were impeccable. she was on top of her game. and on this day, i'm proud to say that she was a gift of light to many on that set. she put the spark in "sparkle" and, krissy, that was for you. you were that spark. she wanted much for you. you know how she used to tell you to say your prayers. did you read that scripture? i don't care what was going on with her. i don't care what it was. she stayed grounded in the word mom. you'd be proud. be proud. to her band members, past and present, thank you for never abandoning her. [ applause ] she had nothing but love for you. for all that knew her intimately, our small circle of friends, all of you performing tod today, to tyler, that co