make money you know what i call tina marie at the deborah daniel erika and gold gold bar gold bargainersthey can't work now. cannot work. that. southern states had located earlier this year. new york and new jersey we're experiencing fountains of corona virus related deaths each day several states. for travelers from the northeast. now new york has instituted its plan for travelers from the new hotspots and with its own case loads remaining low new york city is going ahead with reopening. it's not just a question of democratic or republican leadership however heavily democratic california has also seen a surge in cases several counties around san francisco are now questioning their own reopening plans with some putting them on hold until further notice. and there are concerns here in europe as people who've been cooped up in their respective cities are now flocking to coastal retreats for summer vacation authorities in germany had to close the roads to popular baltic sea resorts on saturday to stop the new arrivals as hordes of vacationers crowded beaches tourism officials fear they coul