deborah fuller owning us from the school of washington school of microbiology.ople talk about going back to school, that will be a disaster, others say it is fine. kids are not vectors of this particular virus, what is your take? understand how to potentially reduce transmission through wearing of masks and practicing handwashing and the publicam not so sure the is following through on all of those practices. that is where sometimes you see schools opening up and saying we could implement all of these practices, and then they see a high spike in infection rates. unless people are 100% compliant with all of the rules, that virus will take an opportunity and transmit. i think it is difficult in the absence of a vaccine to get team,ody to work as a wear their masks, wash their hands, and follow the safe distancing practices. if they do that, we could safely open schools. lisa: there are so many unknowns from my vantage point. 100% compliant. can people back in subway cars if they have masks on, can people go to outdoor dining and sit and take their masks off to eat