host: our next call from queens, new york, for deborah hersman. good morning.i'm actually jamaican, and i'm very disappointed in what happened in jamaica when i heard about that last night. you are from the safety board, is that correct? you are the director? guest: yes, ma'am. caller: why is it that the plane overshot the runway so much? it has been such a common problem becau. i do not think you deserve a thanks or a boost for that . the airlines have to take a strong responsibility for the fatigue of the pilots. there was a recent hearing in congress, and one of the pilots testified that there has been a lot of fatigue with pilots. they don't allow -- they don't get a lot of rest time, pfirst of all. something should be done to actually help pilots. i think that has been ignored, a large part. what is going to be done about that, and how are you going to help my homeland, my country, jamaica, with the cleanup and helping to reimburse them for what happened from american airlines? i would really like to know what is going to happen with that. host: thanks for