, deborah holly. >> okay. can you hear me? >> yes, we can. >> thanks so much. vice president moore and commissioners, deborah holly planning consultant for three of the dr requesters on 26th street. hashish mohodir jaernt to the west. peggy mccallister, to the east. and chris jones two doors to the left. as mr. winslow reported, we're happy to have reached a settlement with the project sponsors on a modified design that reduces impacts on my client's light, air, and privacy. the we're grateful to mr. winslow and supervisor mandelman's office who were willing to facilitate dialog between the neighbors and the project sponsors so we could work together on a compromise. as david said, the project sponsors will presume the drawings of the revision. we hope that you will take dr and approve the project as revised. everyone's worked very hard on this set of plans. thank you again and i'll be here if you have any questions. >> secretary: thank you. so i am just going to see if either of these phone numbers are for th