deborah khoshaba: hardiness is a term of resiliency. it's about a set of attitudes that a person has that helps them to transform the problems that they encounter in life in a way that enhances their performance, their morale, their conduct, and their health. salvatore maddi: it's a pattern, a personality pattern where you have certain attitudes and certain skills, a sense of commitment, a sense of control, and a sense of challenge. if you have a strong sense of commitment... what's natural for you is to involve yourself with other people, involve yourself with whatever's going on, rather than hang back and feel isolated and alienated. if you have a strong sense of control, it's natural for you to struggle and try to influence the outcomes that are going on around you rather than just sink into passivity and powerlessness. and if you have a strong sense of challenge... what feels natural to you is to continue to learn through your experience. but how do we know if we are effectively dealing with the everyday stress in our lives? salvato