so with that i will turn it over to deborah landis, our finance manager who will just reminded was here last year but had dissolved two weeks into the position when we presented to you last week. so deborah will present our top budget this could also going jeff joslin of course record current plan tom desanto chief administrative officer and were all available for questions for you. thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners by naming his deborah landis. i'm here to talk about the budget this afternoon. i want to start with a little bit of an overview of what we are going to go through today. is that better the microphone? >>[inaudible] [off mic] i want to start with an overview of what were going to talk about today and then moving to with the director just mention about what we're seeing now that we are six-month through the current year and the projections for the remainder of the year. we use those projections to create our budget for next year so we will talk about that following their. then, going into the work program in the staffing of the department tim frye is could you speak