to pledge loyalty to whatever candidates are endorsed by the state local and national parties deborah lynch vice chair of the county democratic committee a candidate for county legislator told the end quote it's totally undemocratic and unconstitutional to tell me i would need to support a democrat even if they don't display democratic values going on to say that this has nothing to do with party loyalty it has to do with the establishment wing of the party not understanding why some of us are still upset about the twenty sixteen prime of their primary and all of us are pointing out that the new york democratic party is well known for this kind of behavior no. member of the democratic party's unity committee said supporters say the party quote uses fear tactics and the new york state committee is made up entirely of cuomo loyalists. and it seems that when they are bowling progresses and grassroots democrats they are trying to take credit for their work executive director of new york dems jeff berman actually sent this request for video footage of a grassroots organizations work to put in ca