deborah mitchell joins us from on the show. >> thankthank you for having me. >> john: i've red your blogs before. did you think this one would be so controversial? >> no, i didn't. i was surprised there were so many commenters, and page views. >> john: did anything surprise you in the reaction. reaction to people who reacted negatively? >> i was a little disappointed in how mean people were, not just to me, but to each other. i expected them to attack me, but i didn't expect the sustain sustained anger and attacks on each other. that surprised me, that and the flagging of the article. >> john: if that upset i hope you never read the comment section on daily beast. in favorness you did get a lot of support from cnn viewers, did you not? >> i did get a lot of support. people contacted me on my blog, my profile there were many comments, many were arguing back and forth but i did get a lot of support. and i got support from religious people as well who say i think what you're saying is good. you know i think you have