there was an audio feed of the testimony today and deborah patta is covering the trial. >> reporter: chief prosecutor gerrie nel lived up to his nick name the bull dog and came out punching right from the start. >> you killed her, you shot and killed her. say yes. then nel showed a video of pistorius firing a gun at a watermelon at a shooting range and he laughingly referred to the exploding melon as being softer than brains. this is exactly what you did to steenkamp, nel said, as he forced pistorius to look at a photo of his girlfriend's shattered skull. take responsibility for what you have done, mr. pistorius. >> i have taken responsibility but i will not look at a picture about what i saw and felt that night. as my fingers touched her head, i remember. i don't have to look at a picture. i was there. >> reporter: pistorius repeated he broke down and wept under his questions, but nel was unmoved, accusing the star athlete of lying. >> my life is on the line. of course i think of every single word i say when i'm sitting here. >> reeva does not have a life anymore. reeva is not alive