vote on whether to hold closed session to evaluate the performance of the executive director, deborah rafael. do i hear a motion to move into closed session to evaluate the performance of the director. commissioner wan? >> i move. >> and that was commissioner aun? thank you. okay. any discussion? okay. i guess any >> we are back in open session, and we need a motion to not disclose any of the discussion held in closed session. do i have a motion? so moved by commissioner oyos, commissioner stephenson seconded. is there any discussion? any public comment? all those in favor, signify by saying aye. [voting] >> any opposed? motion carries. okay, and then, the next item. >>clerk: the next item is item 15, vote on whether to make a recommendation to the department of human resources to increase the compensation of the executive director fell, this is a discussion item and action. >> this is a new item where the commission can make a recommendation to the department of human resources on the compensation of director rafael. i'll need a motion to start the discussion. that motion -- that motion tha