and vincent done lap and deborah reid and tores and all who have done a lot to make me look more confident that i actually am. during my time on the cac, i made a... i decided when i took the job at the cac, there were a couple of things that i ought to do and one of those was when i i thought that i had to write every line of the system because i live where i live and it is easy for your vision of muni to be the 43 1k3 the 6 and the things that run through my neighborhood and so every year i have gone out and ridden each line and it is eye opening and i would suggest to people, not only is there more of the city that you think that you have seen and haven't, but that there is a way in which it makes the system more than lines on a map. by which i really mean, that it makes you understand how this connects in particular neighborhoods to the rest of the city and not just as, well there is a neighborhood here, and we are running service every x minutes, it gets you passed and i find that helpful and i have done that ev