diane amon, christopher, daniel, jean, abner greene, johnson, detroit mackenzie, eduardo, deborah, george, adam, robert shapiro, kate shaw and sonya west. the meeting today will be chaired by chief justice barron and scott harris will be the secretary. i will now turn the podium and that meeting over too chief judge behrendt. >> madame assistant general, chief justice, associate justices, members of the stevens family, mr. attorney general, members of the supreme court bar. it is a great honor to be with you all to remember a great man. but in saying that i cannot help but think it seems a misleading way to describe justice stevens. not because it's inaccurate but because it does not cap short what made him great. that description calls to mind an overpowering person, a larger-than-life person. but justice stevens a greatness, his gift, his example, his superpower showed that gentles has a power all its own and so too does humility. they were to that most comes to my mind when i think of him, and it has since i first met with him for my interview for clerkship is timelessness. time seems slower in his