we mentioned deborah walker, and within the lgbt community, you have this concept of the families to choose. oftentimes your own family disowns you and you lose touch and contact with them. that is unfortunately what happened with michael. but he found the family here in san francisco, there are some many people that are part of the family. >> seeing no other names on the roster, that concludes roll call for introduction. >> i want to faint the members of the public that have been waiting for general public comment. >> of the opportunity for the public to address the board for two minutes on items in the subject matter jurisdiction including items without committee reference and excluding items that have been considered by a board committee. it will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify and if a member of the public would like a document be displayed, please clearly states such. >> please give me a chance to give each one of you my lovely message. it is year on the screen. [unintelligible] least a love you and we wish you good luck with your family. ladies and gentlemen, i'd