i'm deborah warner a parent of two live oaks student motives old child was diagnosed with asthma as my younger son our greatest fear was his asthma attacks and the proximity to his inhaulers thank full he's out grown that but additional mitigates needs to address the air quality it was addressed in the check list but not the eir the check list i got the limitation of the dust control plan and monitoring we're concerned because we have observed windblown dust on the construction site nearby that was not being water down as required by the city control dust ordinance because it was too windy to water down ultimate measures to should be provided to take care of those circumstances on this site no individuals available to deal with the problem an additional mitigation measure should be included via e-mail and mail and contact information in the event that problems should occur proper signage with the name of contact information should be posted permanently on the project site children have smaller airways than adults especially for a healthy child it makes an irritant like a exhaust or che