the perpetrators are sgt beasley from the san francisco police department, his wife, debra davis, and peter davis. in my many attempts to seek protection from the san francisco police department, and public authorities in san francisco, i have not only been denied but threatened for speaking about the crimes against me. officer kelly dunne even showed up at my husband's place of work to say that the crimes against me have been investigated and the case closed. i'm requesting a real, genuine investigation with integrity that does not come for the criminal and crucify the victim. i wanted to let you know that a group of victims just testified at the bioethics meeting in washington, d.c., this past week. thank you so much. supervisor mirkarimi: i'm sorry. a question wanted to be asked by supervisor cohen. supervisor cohen: i did not catch your name. >> christine harris. supervisor cohen: just wanted to make sure i understood what you just said. you are a victim of cyber- stocking -- cyberstalking? >> it is called organized stalking. it is an act that a group of people did back in the 195