maybe but what is entirely unsettling for so many is whether debra messing scholes for lists will stop at the top brass of producers and financier's or will it spread to which cinematographers caterers and production assistants will be allowed to work how many will lose their careers their homes their livelihoods for another cold war red scare that history will of this or a just as brutally as it did the last one and will those like messing ever understand how dangerous their rhetoric truly can be boy that's a that is a really good question because i don't know at this point when i see folks do you know what i see her doing something like this i have to sit back and say dude are you not aware of the shaky ground you're walking on calling for maims to be maimed and i'm not a supporter of donald trump the republican party's or anyone watching mashona like nobody here is like toeing the line for a trump. but this is this is not how you know this is not how you know of all things in hollywood given the history that you mention you should not be asking for a list and like you said they coul