thank you to debra neman who was another informal mentor. shared her knowledge and experience and we definitely want to follow in her tracks. i'd also like to introduce you to the president of our board, tiffany yang, who is a brilliant young woman who is going to be taking this to the next level. the wonderful thing about this community benefit district is how property owners, neighbors, business owners and the faith community all came together to work on this. it was an amazing experience for me. it really demonstrates the vibrancy of this community. as others have said before me and will say after i'm sure, that our goals are a cleaner, safer and even more vibrant business community in the discover polk area. thank you, everybody. [applause] >> thank you so much, suzanne. really, congratulations and savor this moment. it really is an anchor for so much incredible work to come. i want to point out, you can sense there's a community here supporting efforts like these. i did want to shout out again, i know exercise peskin and mayor breed als