assistant today about a major american corporation that is facing head wind seeing decline in revenue, declierns in margins, and as they are also reluctant to reach in and take the bitter medicine that is going take to right side the company. basically, what it takes is somebody who doesn't try to solve a -- what is so amusing the american government when there's a new problem instead of existing the organization to deal with this new problem, you know. expand this. a new department is formed. and so we have department all over the place. many of them operating across -- a lot behave the same way. as it happened, the ceo wanted to know how many were occurring throughout company. who was creating go fast. which department fostered the most go fast. how fast were go fast being processed. how many were adopted? what were the savings for the go fast. so a huge parallel bureaucracy was built up around the go fast initiative. which was designed to eliminate bureaucracy nap is the ultimate irony. i see all organization doing that. they create a new bureaucracy to solve the problem of the old bureaucrac