the united states is going after isis, the best you will get is decon fliction. russia filmed the secret video conference and put that film on youtube. so there has been a loss of trust on the air force and the department of defense side on all of these talks. >> back on okay 1st. i want to talk about the report we got late this week about the missiles that were supposed to hit targets in syria but landed in iran. does that speak to as there are so many attacks that there will be some not on target or is there larger commentary considering the new technology russia introduced to this arena? >> it's a little of both. certainly you will have some things stale in combat. what you are talking about russia fired only 26. now, that sound like a lot. but considering some of the things the united states has done, that's a relatively small launch of missiles, 26 of those four crash landed in iran. now, mr. carter, our secretary of defense confirmed that yesterday. it was just a rumor before that. he confirmed we did, in fact, have observation of those missiles failing. so