and decracy, ben franklin way back in the 17 hundreds said very clearly a democracy requires a citizenryf vir tuch the democracy cannot be sustained by people without virtue. it will go to december pitism. you need to have every person independently want to do the right thing. be honest, care about their fellow citizen. and to be willing to sacrifice, be willing to give somethingch for sake of the greater good. >> professor william damon. we are leaving young americans unprepared for citizenship is the book. a rise in self abc shoppertion is the problem you say? . that is the downside there. is two down sides to miseducating young people in the way that i have mentioned. one downside is for the country. we will not have. that is what we have been talking about. mostly this afternoon we will not have a citizenry to run a democracy to turn into something else. not as good. like despitism but the downside of the individual. apart from the public damage that is done. is that it becomes a world of self centered pursuits. self abc shoeshtion and the irony here is that people that are out for t